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Is milk good for you or is it a conspiracy?

Updated on September 1, 2015

The big question: Is milk good for you?

Was Mom right? Should we drink up our milk?

“Drink up your milk” a mother says to her child, believing – because of what she’s been taught – that her children need milk to grow healthy and strong.

Unbeknownst to her, her love may be killing the very children she would kill for.

The milk she pushes for their continued good health is actually encouraging poor health, illness and disease for the children she so dearly loves.

All her life, she’s never once asked herself if milk is good for you, because she’s been brainwashed.

She’s been taught, over and over again, by her own mother, school teachers, professors, and the milk and dairy health adverts on television, newspapers and magazines, that milk is essential for good health.

In fact, Mom was taught that milk is one of the four basic food groups, and necessary for strong bones.

But many professionals, including doctors, are starting to educate people about milk actually being detrimental to our health.

Who stands to benefit if you keep drinking milk?

The origins of thinking milk is good for you

I’m betting you didn’t know that the dairy industry funds a part of our school nutritional program?

Engine2diet states:

“The dairy industry spends over $160 million in advertising costs each year. The industry’s primary vehicle for transmitting its messages is the public school system.”

The dairy industry gives a large amount of money to congressional campaigns, ensuring that the sheep (who are us the unsuspecting public) are taught that milk is essential for good health.


It’s time we started questioning what our leaders are teaching us – and for what purposes. It’s all about money.

Making money.

Making money from the sheep (us), so that we keep buying their milk, and they keep making a profit.

What's behind the "Got Milk" ads?


The jury is out. We’ve started asking, “Is milk good for you?”

Consider the popular “Got Milk” ads touted by celebrities – how clever, because they know we think celebrities know everything. And well, if celebrities are supporting the milk thing, then so should the sheep.

What a joke.

The dairy industry’s goals are to:

  1. Market to young children and their mothers that milk is essential for good health. People are gullible; they do what they are told to do, and the dairy industry uses psychology to make mothers feel their kids need milk to be healthy.
  2. Use schools as a channel to get to young life-long customers.
  3. Awareness of research favourable to the dairy industry (and their pockets).

Dr. Russell Bunai, a Washington D.C.-based paediatrician, when asked what single change in the American diet would produce the greatest health benefit, said,

"Eliminating dairy products."

In an 80 000 participant study conducted in 1997, women who drank more than a glass of milk per day had a 45% higher risk of hip fractures than the women who drank less or no milk. That’s because high acid foods—like meat and dairy—actually contribute to the leaching of calcium.

Hm. Is milk good for you? Have your answer yet?

Actually, I bet your local pharmacist - or doctor - has never told you that if you consume too much calcium by way of excessive milk (as its advertised to us – “Drink more milk for better health” - and dairy consumption, the bones absorb the excess to move it out of the blood temporarily.

Hey, I bet you never knew that high calcium levels in the blood can actually kill you?

Ongoing excess calcium means the bones never get to deport the extra calcium back into the bloodstream where it's distributed to cells for muscle function; so instead, it simply leaves the body through urination.

Too much calcium results in osteoporosis.

Is milk good for you at all?

Milk is a contributing factor in:

  • Constipation
  • Allergies
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle cramps
  • Headaches
  • Obesity
  • Heart problems

It’s also been found that a higher casein intake (from dairy products) promotes breast cancer.

There is strong evidence that Type 1 Diabetes is linked to diet, and more specifically, to dairy products.

And here’s a whopper: the greater consumption of cow’s milk in a country, the greater the prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes, and osteoporosis.

The countries with the highest dairy intake have the highest incidence of type 1 Diabetes


What now? How do we get nutrients for strong bones?

Experts in the know recommend opting for low-acid sources of calcium such as dark leafy green vegetables and nuts like almonds, and reducing the intake of dairy overall to prevent calcium excess and osteoporosis.

For instance, spinach has the following nutrients:

  1. Macro nutrients (water, good fats, carbohydrates, fiber, many kinds of protein)
  2. Minerals (calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, potassium)
  3. Vitamins (C, B-6, B-1, B-2, folate, A, B-3, E, pantothenic acid)
  4. Good fatty acids
  5. Amino acids
  6. Many kinds of phytosterols

Why don’t you know this?

Ah well, who makes money to promote the benefits of spinach?

Who makes money promoting spinach as the way to strong, healthy bones?

No one, because there is no “spinach board”. But there is a “dairy board”. And they want to make money.

Its THIS food, and NOT milk and dairy, which provides the nutrients for strong bones

In summary

Now you have the facts, it’s your choice whether you will continue trusting that milk is good for you, and keep drinking it, or choose to do your own research about the real nutrients your body needs for continued good health and strong bones.

What do you think?

Did you know milk was bad for you?

See results

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