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Essential Supplements to Help Conquer Binge Eating and Get You Thin and On Your Way to Excellent Health

Updated on March 14, 2015

The supplement industry in the US has grown to $27 billion. How? While you ponder that, read on…

The start of the vitamin supplement era...

The health focus in the twentieth century was on the type of foods to be consumed for good health, but later shifted to the amounts being consumed. It was also at this time that the food pyramid came into existence. By the way, the food pyramid was designed by cereal companies in order to get the population eating more cereals…in order to make more money.

Nowadays, people believe that supplements are essential for good health, because they are told they are by the health industry whose profits continue to climb. More than that, we believe what we are told because there seems to be evidence of their credibility due to scientific studies. What they don’t tell us however, is that many of the studies are done in order to make a finding that will add authority to what the health industry wants us to believe – that our bodies require us to take pills that will give us good health and to avoid disease.

But, a study in 2008 which consisted of 15000 participants showed that vitamin C and E had no effect on cancer rates, and another study which consisted of 35000 men showed that vitamin E and selenium actually increased the cancer and diabetes rate.*

It goes on…

So are supplements really necessary, or is it just one big money-making scheme?

Who can you believe?

If you are to make a conscious decision, you need to understand how the body works when you take supplements like vitamin and mineral pills…

The problem right now is that foods in today’s time have a lot less nutrients in them than they did 50 years ago. The vitamin C in oranges now only amounts to one-tenth the amount of in them than they did three decades ago. Spinach has only 1.5% of what it was just 60 years ago. This is because our soils have become depleted and contain few trace minerals and other vitamins (sorry for the future generations…).

What this leads to is a necessity for taking something supplementary to make up for the deficiencies in our food. But…let’s consider the difference between whole food supplements and synthetic supplements:


The difference between synthetic supplements and whole food supplements

The vitamins in whole food supplements are easily absorbed, including the essential micro nutrients that go with them. The most important aspect about whole food supplements is that they are completely in the form the body needs them in. The body knows what to do with nutrients from whole food supplements; it knows exactly how much vitamin it needs and allows the rest to pass safely through the system. The type of supplement that would be considered a whole food supplement is, for instance, AIM’s Barleylife, which is essentially, the dried juice of young barley plants. Or their Just Carrots, which is the dried juice of organic carrots. Another aspect you have to take into consideration is the way the supplements have been processed to get into powder form or tablet form. With Barleylife for instance, it has been freeze dried, so all the nutrients have been maintained.

Now on the other end of the spectrum are synthetic supplements created in a factory:

These supplements miss those essential micronutrients. The body needs to find a way to match the synthetic vitamin with whatever micronutrients it can find. Because our bodies do not recognise synthetic supplements, it must also deal with the chemical vitamins much the same way that it handles toxins and other unwanted chemicals. In essence, the body sends most of your money down the drain in the form of synthetic vitamins and minerals.

In addition, there is such a fine balance of how the parts in synthetic supplements need to work, so that the supplement will actually work, and it is this that is not regulated by the FDA very strictly.

As a result, you don’t really know what you are putting into your body, and whether it is actually going to do you any good, or instead harm you.

In summary, because of the times we live in, we require supplements, but I would strongly suggest you dump the synthetic variety and rather go for whole food supplements.

If you really think about it, taking synthetic vitamins just doesn't make sense.
If you really think about it, taking synthetic vitamins just doesn't make sense. | Source

Essential whole food supplements which aid in natural appetite suppressants

These are the whole food supplements I would say are essential to your health, and which will help you stop binge eating, junk food addiction and sugar cravings:

1. Wheat grass. Filled with nutrients, it helps curb hunger and food cravings and is low in calories. Also helps provides energy. Bear in mind, that the way the wheat grass is packaged is really important, as well as where the wheat grass is grown (so it must be organic), and the amount of nutrients in the soil where it is grown. Do your research before purchasing this whole food. Otherwise, a trusted and superior product is Aim’s Barleylife. I am convinced the only reason why I never suffered with illness and disease as an obese person was because I regularly consumed wheat grass.

The number one essential supplement: AIM's Barleylife

2. Essential fatty acids. I have found that without good fats, I begin craving fatty foods like hamburgers and pizza. You can halt fatty food cravings by regularly taking good fats. What to watch for: the way the oil is packaged. Again, the best packaged oil is Aim’s Aimega. This oil has not gone through any heating process which destroys its nutrients, and has been packaged in a capsule that has not made the oil it contains be heated either. You can get cheaper oil capsules, but be aware that their nutrients may have been damaged in the packaging process.

3. Chromium. I would only happily recommend – again- Aim’s GlucoChrom. The reason for this is that it’s derived from whole food sources and does not contain synthetic ingredients as most of the others contain. It’s been found that as much as 90% of Americans are chromium deficient because of the way they eat (processed foods and refined carbohydrates), and the foods that have been grown in a depleted soil. Chromium really helps curb cravings and hunger, and if this is what you struggle with, I strongly recommend you start on Chromium. If you don’t want to wait to order it from Aim, all pharmacies supply Chromium, but not all of them stock Chromium that’s packaged in a way that the body recognizes as food, because they contain synthetic ingredients.

Foods that help with appetite suppression

Foods to use as natural appetite suppressants when you just absolutely can’t go on without consuming something:

Appetite Suppressant number one:

Drink water. Very often we confuse hunger for thirst. Most people have honestly never ever experienced true hunger. So down a glass of water and see how you feel.

Appetite Suppressant number two:

Turn green. You guessed it – eat your greens. They contain a tiny amount of calories and will help tremendously to satisfy you. If you battle to eat them just raw like that, you can try whipping up a bunch of cut spinach and broccoli together with a natural low calorie salad dressing. A sprinkle of feta is fine too, if you choose to leave off the dressing. Eat as much of this as you like and watch how fast it fills you.

Appetite Suppressant number three:

Try vegetable broth. Simply boil some veggies in a pot with water (make sure you have more water in the pot than veggies), add some herbal salt and that should help.

Appetite Suppressant number four:

Grab an apple. They contain a lot of fibre and soon you will be feeling full. And if you don’t believe me, try eating 1000 calories in the form of a burger compared to 1000 calories worth of apples – you won’t even get close to chowing 1000 calories worth of apples, I bet you!

Ok, that’s it. There are other whole food supplements I would like to recommend, such as Aim’s Just Carrots and Redibeets, which is like eating a bunch of carrots and beetroot respectively, but I wanted to keep this list really basic.

Remember, in order to lose weight you are going to have to experience some degree of hunger, but these tips will certainly help keep cravings and hunger to a minimum.

If you have the money...add these to your list of supplements:


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